Can-Am GoldCor Compact Tool Kit with Bonus Items and FlexFit Hat

Can-Am GoldCor Compact Tool Kit with Bonus Items and FlexFit Hat
Can-Am GoldCor Compact Tool Kit with Bonus Items and FlexFit Hat
Can-Am GoldCor Compact Tool Kit with Bonus Items and FlexFit Hat
Can-Am GoldCor Compact Tool Kit with Bonus Items and FlexFit Hat

Lou's Drywall Accessories

SKU: P1505


The Compact Tool Kit, includes 1 of each of the following tools:
  • A200 - 32" Applicator Tube (New Style)
  • B200-RR - 3" Roller Glide Corner Finisher
  • B400-RR - 3.5" Roller Glide Corner Finisher
  • D800 - 2’6″ – 4′ Extendable Corner Finisher Handle
  • D900 - 2’6″ – 4′ Extendable Corner Roller Handle
  • E1200 - Inside GoldCor Applicator - Dual Purpose
  • G200 - Flat Applicator
  • J401 - Inside Corner Roller Light-Edition
  • P1500 - GoldCor Traveler Tool Case - Black


  • C9100 - 2.5" NyCor Hi-Vis Green Corner Finisher
  • C9200 - 3" NyCor Concrete Gray Corner Finisher
  • D9100 - NyCor 6" Finisher Handle for Fast Adapter
  • D9200 - NyCor Handle - 4.5" Roller
  • V103 - Can-Am FlexFit Hat (LIMITED TIME ONLY)